"Milford's White House" has dried!
On a toasty Saturday three weeks ago I participated the "Milford Plein Air Paint Out" and left with this painting and a spectacular sunburn.
The quiet town's historic center filled up with painters for the day, invited from far-away counties by the Ohio Plein Air Society. I plopped down on Main Street's sidewalk near the edge of town, to paint this old building with its proud name painted on a fading sign, now for lease. It had more wires, fuseboxes, windows and surprisingly-placed doors than I could include--I'd like to try and do it better justice, another time.
Now that the piece is dry, I'll have it framed for my booth at next month's "Art Affaire," an art-music-flower show at another historic Milford home, The Promont House.
Held from 11am-6pm on Saturday, September 24, the Art Affaire is free to the public, and will feature live entertainment all day:
11-11:45 - Wild Carrot (contemporary folk music)
12-12:45 - Todd & Sharon Fitter (French horn & base)
1-1:45 - Moment in Thyme with Fran & Don McCoy (dulcimer & Guitar)
2-2:45 - Cindy Matyi (Celtic inspired music)
3-3:45 - DeVere Burt (art presentation)
4-4:45 - String Quartet
5-5:45 - ballet tech of ohio Ballerina's (dance)
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